Wednesday 22 May 2013

So Many Stars

I know of where the stars are born,
And there the stars will die
The galaxy keeps spinning
As through the stars I fly

But their starlight fades and falters
The black depths now enthral
Past time or understanding
The darkness claims them all

I sit lonely in my starship
In fear of black and cold
I want to fly forever
To pass stars young and old

So many stars for me to see
Before I ever fall
But the light must come to pass
And darkness claims us all

[Inspired by Frontier: Elite II]

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Death is a Tough Thing to Face...

I have risen in the Winter sky
Where a thousand comets fly,
Streaks of light and wonder whirling
Above my head,
As emotions twirling I turn to the piercing stars and ask,
They don't reply.

[Inspired by a question about Proteus]